FrontPage Senior Stories

Below is a list of a bunch of newspaper stories we have written about people 65+ for customers throughout the years.
August 15, 2024
Annette Rossi with her husband

Annette Rossi Celebrates 71st Birthday! – All of Annette’s family and friends know they are her family, and they appreciate her putting them first at all times

Annette Rossi celebrated her 71st birthday on July 25 at her new home in Tennessee, which happens to be next door to her son Greg and […]
August 14, 2024
Mary Duncan and her daughter

Everyone’s Nana: Mary Duncan is someone that anyone can look to for advice or love

There is something to be said about matriarchs with a lot of descendants. They are usually looked up to and loved beyond belief. When it comes […]
July 15, 2024

A Reflection of Her: The Wixted family tree is one that will be impacted by Kathleen for a long, long time

This “whip smart” woman dedicated her entire life to teaching and instilling a lot of important things into the minds of young people. From her teaching […]
July 5, 2024

Invaluable Mother: As Claire’s children reflect upon the greatness of their mother, they are consistently reminded of how irreplaceable she is

She’s the first one they call when they need anything. She is their day one who has always provided for them and shown up for them. […]
June 17, 2024

Complementary Couple: Steve and Beth Conrad are not only always there for each other, but for their loved ones as well

“Mom and Dad are a true testimony for marriage. They have been there for each other when life has thrown curveballs, challenging situations and health battles. […]
June 15, 2024

The Golden Standard: As J.W. and Anita are celebrating 50 years of marriage, their family wants to celebrate their love for Jesus and each other

J.W. worked at Union Camp/International Paper for 40 years and is a true outdoorsman who loves to hunt and fish. Anita was a stay-at-home mom and […]